Ayurvedic PDF book for simple disease

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for acne treatment.  As you can see, there are often more than one solution to the same problem.  The same remedy cannot be applied to everyone, as the nature of each person is different, so the remedy should suit oneself.  It will depend on the nature of the speech, bile, cough.  In addition, the disease is caused by anger or deficiency, bile, phlegm – it will also depend on what remedy to try.  Because there may be different reasons behind the same problem.  For example, vomiting is caused by flatulence, bile and even cough.  What is favorable and what is unfavorable to one’s own body;  That too we should know before we take any remedy.  Moreover, each person is unique, special, nature never adopts.  Thus there can never be two persons of exactly the same nature.  Therefore, if one solution is chosen by someone, it may not be chosen by another.  Try any remedy but if the digestive power is weak, or if there is no basic defect in the body then the remedy will not work.  So it is very important to find out the cause of the problem in the body.  It is important to keep an eye on what is eating or what is causing the problem in your body.  Sometimes it will happen that such a simple treatment will have no effect but there is no harm in experimenting, as these experiments are very innocent.
Herbs are imported from Azerbaijan.  Its roots are found in the market.  It is two to three inches long and as thick as a fingertip.  The roots are brown on the outside and white on the inside when broken.  Tasting the roots makes the tongue glow.  It is warm and invigorating and cures flatulence, cough, paralysis, paralysis, tremors and swelling.  It is also spermatogenic and arterial.  Rubbing it strengthens the senses.  Tooth decay is useful in swollen tongue.  (1) Mix one teaspoon of honey with small pea powder and lick it every night to warm the body and feel sexual arousal.  (2) If children do not know how to speak properly, if they speak slowly and slowly, to improve their speech, it is beneficial to lick the waste of intellect and horse manure with honey.
Walnuts Walnuts contain very little fat.  Its regular consumption increases life expectancy by five to ten years.  It protects the heart and lowers cholesterol.  In addition to nuts, cashews, almonds, and pistachios are also rich in protein and vitamins.  Walnuts can be eaten in salads and ground for breakfast.  Agatya Haritaki Avaleh is an excellent type of this lick. Taking one to two teaspoons in the morning and evening on an empty stomach is beneficial in diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, cough, cold, allergies, cough and constipation.  As this medicine is also an excellent chemical, it is also recommended for skin wrinkles, premature graying of hair, hair loss, etc.  It is strong, ejaculatory and improves body color.  Consuming it with milk or ghee gives excellent nourishment.  It is found in almost every pharmacy.  Agnitundi Vati The root cause of most diseases is Agnimanda.  Its best medicine is Agnitundi Vati which is available in the market.  Take one tablet with lukewarm milk in the morning and evening.  Closing a week after fifteen days.  Not to be consumed continuously in chronic and biliary diseases.  It causes gastritis, digestion, rheumatism, rheumatism, urticaria, convulsions, paralysis, anorexia, indigestion, nausea, gas, stomach cramps etc.  Take Agnimukh Powder Asafoetida 10 gms, Vaj 10 gms, Pepper 20 gms, Ginger 20 gms, Ajmo 20 gms, Herde 20 gms, Hardak root 20 gms and Cook 20 gms.
 Adad is extremely nutritious.  It contains an excellent type of protein, which strengthens the muscles of the body.  Heavy in digestion, cleanses excrement, viscous, viscous, sweet after digestion, appetizing, antiseptic, invigorating, ejaculatory  Is a sidekick and gas destroyer.  Using Adad increases sex.  That’s why we eat half a crop there in winter.  Adad is a tonic and an antidote.  In Ayurveda, Adad is called Shukal.  From Adad, Venus – semen grows.  Adad increases masculinity rapidly.  The main component of semen is protein.  All beans have protein, but lentils have excellent protein.  That is why the intake of Adad leads to good sperm growth.  It also enhances libido and sexual potency as it is aerobic and potent.  Those who do not have children due to sperm deficiency in semen should use Adad and Adadia crops.  For those who have sex problems, lack of arousal, Adad is the best medicine.  For those who have such a problem, they should eat garlic lentils, lentils made in sesame oil and lentils regularly for a long time.  Ativis bud Bud Ativis bud is considered to be something hot, sharp, flammable, binding to fecal matter, trigeminal neuralgia, diarrhea, phlegm fever, cough, venom, vomiting, thirst, worms, hemorrhoids, salivary glands, diarrhea and all diseases.  Ativisha is the best as an antidote, a digestive and a collector’s medicine.  Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion of food and constipation.